Some locations that contain people may have issues like the people may take things from your containers. And you can live anywhere - caves and mines and everything else.

You can find location codenames at UESPWiki. You can enter this command from anywhere, you don’t have to be at the location, but I like to go there when I do it so I can see that the containers and items are no longer are marked as stealing.
Sky haven temple console how to#
How To Own Any House Open the Console and type

TMM 1 1 1 #Show all markers and set all locations for fast travel TMM 1 0 0 #Show all markers and do not set new locations for fast travel To give yourself 18 Green Apples you would type:Ĭonsole Map Codes TMM = Toggle Map Markersī = 0 is no fast travel (grey), 1 is fast travel (white)Ĭ = 0 is all except hidden, 1 is all including hidden You can find item codes here: Skyrim:Items - UESPWiki I’ve never needed to go above 5.Īdd Items to InventoryPlayer.AddItem itemid quantity I assume there is a limit on how big it can be. Use the SetScale or SetPos command to force a redraw. It will appear that you have done nothing to them. The Angle commands do not redraw the object. It is very time consuming to place objects exactly where you want them to be. Use the following commands to move objects: Items that you create will always start with “ff”.
Sky haven temple console code#
It’s code will be shown at the top/center of the Console panel. Moving and Resizing Objects To move an object, open the Console and click the item. This is because the font they use does not scale with screen size and when the window is small you simply can’t see the lists it returns when you use Help. You will not see a list if you have the game in windowed mode. Then use the PageUp and PageDown keys to look through the list for the code you want. Object codes can be found with the Help command. Will create an object at the location of the item you clicked. Opening the Console and clicking an item in the world then typing: Will create an object where you are standing. Type “MarkForDelete” press the Enter key, then type “Disable” and press the Enter key.Īdd Furniture /Objects /People Player.PlaceAtMe You will see it’s code id in the center of the top of the Console panel. Remove Furniture /Objects /PeopleOpen the Console by pressing the ~ key near the top left of your keyboard. You can find a text-only version of this topic in my pastebin Thanks to Rhyme for posting the “Play as a Dragon” information in an earlier topic. It doesn't help that both of them are easily distracted by perceived threats (like mudcrabs a hundred yards away that have detected the player), and then they go rushing off to combat and just stand around doing nothing afterward.This is a primer to teach you some of the basics of what you can do with the Console and I will give you a few code lists. It's annoying as all get-out, but just about any quest that involves Esbern or Delphine is subject to random, and potentially quest-breaking AI stalls. I have two batch files, named "GetEsbern" and "GetDelphine" that I can quickly run when this happens, so you can guess how many times I've had to manually move them to places where they should be, but they "forgot" what they were supposed to be doing. Their AIs will stall out at the drop of a hat, or even the suggested drop of a non-existent hat. The parts of the Main Quest that involve Esbern and Delphine are very fragile. Go to where you need them to be, then for each of them type. Click on each of them in the console and write down the refIDs you get for them.